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Janko Kos
- Short Biography
- Born in Ljubljana, March 9th 1931. B.A. in 1956 at the University of
Ljubljana: Comparative literature and Literary Theory. Ph.D. in 1969
at the University of Ljubljana; his thesis was Preseren and
European Romantics. He worked as dramaturgist in Lutkovno
gledalisce (Puppet Theatre) of Ljubljana from 1959 to
1963. In 1963 he began teaching Slovene language and world literature
at VIIth College of Ljubljana. In 1970 he started lecturing
at the Faculty of Arts, where he was habilitated Professor of
Comparative Literature and Literary Theory in 1975. In 1977 he became
a corresponding member of Slovene Academy of Sciences and
Arts, in 1983 a full member. For many years, he was head of
Comparative Literature Department.
- Research Fields
- In the years 1950-60 he devoted himself mainly to the problems of
literary theory, esthetic and philosophy.
- After 1960 he began researching literary history and theory with
different methods of comparative literature and a combination of
Gestesgeschichte and other philosophical, historical and empirical
- His many works treat such subjects as Slovene literature from 18th
to 20th century, Slovene poet Preseren, history and theory of European
novel, philosophy of art and literary theory, methodology of literary
studies and research of modernism and postmodernism.
Short Bibliography
- Preseren in evropska romantika (Preseren and
European Romanticism), Ljubljana 1970.
- Pregled slovenskega slovstva (An Overview of Slovene
Literature), Ljubljana 1974.
- Literatura (Literature), Literarni leksikon 2,
Ljubljana 1978.
- Pregled svetovne knjizevnosti (An Overview of World
Literature), Ljubljana 1979.
- Romantika (Romanticism), Literarni leksikon 6,
Ljubljana 1980.
- Morfologija literarnega dela (Morphology of Literary
Work), Literarni leksikon 15, Ljubljana 1981.
- Begriff der Klasik in marxistischer Sicht, In: Klassische
Modelle in der Literatur, Innsbruck 1981.
- Ocrt literarne teorije (An Overview of Literary
Theory), Ljubljana 1983.
- Moderna misel in slovenska knjizevnost (
Modern Thought and Slovene Literature), Ljubljana 1983.
- Marksizem in problemi literarnega vrednotenja (
Marxism and the Problem of Literary Axiology),
Ljubljana 1983.
- Roman (Novel), Literarni leksikon 20, Ljubljana 1983.
- Razsvetljenstvo (Enlightenment),
Literarni leksikon 28, 1986.
- Primerjalna zgodovina slovenske literature (Comparative
History of Slovene Literature), Ljubljana 1987.
- Slovenische Literatur und historische Avantgarde, In:
Europäische Avantgarde, Frankfurt 1987.
- Literarne tipologije (Literary Typologies),
Literarni leksikon 34, Ljubljana 1989.
- Preseren in njegova doba (Preseren and his Age),
Koper 1991.
- Lirika (Poetry), Literarni leksikon 39,
Ljubljana 1993.
- Postmodernizem (Postmodernism),
Literarni leksikon 43, Ljubljana 1995.
- Na poti v postmoderno (On The Way to the
Postmodern Age), Ljubljana 1995.
Office hours: Monday 9:30 and Thursday 9:00
This page is maintained by Jakob J. Kenda.
Last modification: 13-May 1996