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Evald Koren

Head of Department
Associate Professor


Short Biography
Born in Maribor, September 17th 1930. B.A. in 1959 at the University of Ljubljana: Comparative literature and Literary Theory. Ph.D. in 1978 at the University of Ljubljana; his thesis was Kraigher's Late Fiction and European Naturalism. He worked at Slovene government department for culture and education. Since 1963 he works at the Comparative Literature Department. In 1987 he became Associate Professor and is currently head of Comparative Literature Department.

Research Fields
Theory and History of Comparative Literature;
Genetic Connections and Tipological Analogies between Slovene and Other European literatures;
Realism and Naturalism in Slovene and Other European Literatures;
Literary Rhetorics;
Theory of Verse.

Short Bibliography

Email: Evald.Koren@guest.arnes.si
Office hours: Tuesday 11:00 and Friday 11:00

This page is maintained by Jakob J. Kenda.

Last modification: 05-Jun 1996