Dušan Rutar, Ph. D.


Editor, Awol (journal of social studies)
Member of editorial board, "Translations" series

Member, YHD (Association for theory and culture of handicap)

Fields of interest: psychoanalysis, philosophy, anthropology, epistemology, theory and philosophy of science, theoretical physics, philosophy of biology, theories and politics of the body, neuropsychology


in print, (with Z. Rutar) Kaj poučujemo v šoli (What is being taught in school). Radovljica: Didakta

1996, (ed.) Štiriindvajset ur humanistične teorije (24 hours of humanistic theory). Kamnik: Srednja šola Rudolfa Maistra)

1996, Tri razprave o teoriji hendikepa (Three essays on the theory of handicap). Ljubljana: YHD

1996, Psihologija skozi psihoanalizo (Psychology through psychoanalysis). Ljubljana: Jutro

1996, Freud proti papežu (Freud vs. the Pope). Ljubljana: Luxuria

1995, (ed.) Edina prava ljubezen je ljubezen do drugačnih (The only true love is the love for the different). Ljubljana: Vitrum

1995, Telo in oblast (Body and power). Ljubljana: PZI Dan

1995, Freudovi duhovi (Freud's ghosts). Ljubljana: Vitrum