Božidar Jakac je bil rojen 16.7.1899 v Novem mestu, kjer je obiskoval osnovno šolo in se nato leta 1909 vpisal na gimnazijo. Že od otroških let ga je mikalo risanje. V osnovni šoli ga je profesor Savin učil osnove risanja, občutek za obliko pa je razvijal z oblikovanjem predmetov iz papirja, ki ga je dobil pri papirničarju Kosu. V gimnaziji je spoznal pesnika Mirana Jarca, ki je postal slikarjev najzvestejši prijatelj. Od leta 1913 je nadaljeval šolanje na realki v Idriji, ker je zvedel, da tam poučuje risanje že znan slikar Ivan Vavpotič. Toda Vavpotič je kmalu zapustil Idrijo in Božidar Jakac je ostal brez učitelja. Ves čas pa mu je stala ob strani njegova mati, ki je s simpatijo spremljala Božidarjevo izpopolnjevanje v slikanju. Po končani realki je leta 1917/18 odšel na fronto na Piavi, saj ni imel sredstev za nadaljevanje študija. Po vojni je Vavpotič zbral Jakčeve slike, jih pokazal Rihardu Jakopiču in ta jih je sprejel na razstavo. Odslej je Jakac vedno nosil slike in risbe v Ljubljano Rihardu Jakopiču, ki je postal njegov prvi resnični mentor. Novembra 1919 je Božidar Jakac odšel na umetnostno akademijo v Pragi. Tam sta bila njegova učitelja Obrovsky in Thiele, leta 1923 pa je končal grafično specialko pri profesorju Broemseju. Med študijem je dvakrat obiskal Berlin in Dresden, ker je tam nameraval nadaljevati študij grafike, vendar je ta načrt opustil. Leta 1924 se je naselil v Ljubljani in se zaposlil najprej kot lesorezni ilustrator pri Jutru, nato pa kot profesor risanja na ljubljanski II. državni gimnaziji. Po treh letih je službo pustil in postal svobodni umetnik. Medtem je tudi veliko potoval, predvsem v Pariz, Tunis, Ameriko in na Norveško ter se poročil z Ljubljančanko Tatjano Gudrunovo, ki je odigrala zelo pomembno vlogo v njegovi slikarski karieri. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bil od septembra 1943 v partizanih. Postal je predsednik Slovenskega umetniškega kluba in dal pobudo za ustanovitev Likovne akademije. Po vojni je postal profesor in do upokojitve 1961 trikrat rektor likovne akademije v Ljubljani. Bil je predsednik Zveze likovnih umetnikov Jugoslavije, republiški in zvezni poslanec, ter pobudnik Mednarodnega grafičnega bienala v Ljubljani (1955). Doma in v tujini je ves čas veliko razstavljal. Postal je član Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti ter dobil naziv "accademico onorario Academie Fiorentine delle Arti del Disegno" v Firencah. Za svoje obširno delo je Jakac prejel dolgo vrsto domačih in tujih nagrad in priznanj, med katerimi je najpomembnejša nagrada AVNOJ. Zadnja leta svojega življenja je Božidar Jakac urejal svoj bogati umetniški arhiv. Umrl je leta 1989, star 90 let. Jakčeva dela so ohranjena v številnih zasebnih in javnih zbirkah po Evropi in Ameriki, v Kostanjevici na Krki pa je v galeriji Božidar Jakac stalna zbirka njegovih slikarskih in grafičnih umetnin in v Novem mestu stalna zbirka del iz NOB v muzeju NOB. |
Bozidar Jakac was born on July 16, 1899 in Novo mesto, where he received his elementary school education and, in 1909, enroled Novo mesto high school. He was keen on drawing and painting since his childhood. He was taught elements of drawing at elementary school while he developed feeling of form by making statues from paper given to him by papermaker Kos. From 1913 onwards, he continued his education at the nonclassical secondary school at Idrija. It was there he met Miran Jarc, a famous poet who became one of the best and most influential friends of his. Bozidar Jakac had hoped to be taught the technics of drawing by Ivan Vavpotic who was teaching at Idrija secondary school at that time. But unfortunately Vavpotic left Idrija soon and Jakac remained without his tutor. His mother supported Bozidar's fondness for drawing and painting all the time and helped him as much as possible. When Jakac finished school, he remained without scholarship so he took part in the Piave front in 1917/18. When the First World War was over, Vavpotic collected Jakac's paintings and took them to Rihard Jakopic, who later made exhibition of them. Since that time Jakac kept on showing his work of art to Rihard Jakopic who became his first real tutor. In 1919 Jakac went to Prague where he attended the Academy of Art. He studied under Obrovsky and Thiele. Jakac stayed in Prague for several years and in 1923 completed also a graduate course of studies in the field of graphic art, working under professor Broemse. During his studies he visited Berlin and Dresden (the former twice). In 1924 he settled in Ljubljana and began to work first as a wood engraver - illustrator for the newspaper Jutro and later as an appointed professor of drawing at the Second State High School of Ljubljana. He worked there for three years, then he gave up the job and became a free-lance artist. During this period he travelled to Paris, Tunis, the USA and to Norway. He married Tatjana Gudrun who also played the most important role in his career as a painter. During World War II, he participated in the National Liberation Movement, joining the partisan forces in September 1943. He was ellected President of the Slovene Artistic Club and it was already at that time he encouraged the establishment of the Slovene Academy of Plastic Arts. After the war, he took up the post as a professor at newly-established Academy of Plastic Arts in Ljubljana. Prior to his retirement in 1961 he had been appointed three times rector of this institution. He was also active in social affairs, served as President of the Association of Plastic Artists of former Yugoslavia. He was delegate both on republican and federal levels. Jakac was a prime mover in the process of the creation of the International Biennal of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana. Throughout this time, he exhibited extensively both in his homeland and abroad. Jakac was a member of the Slovene Academy of the Arts and Sciences as well as "accademico onorario" of the Accademia Fiorentina delle Arti del Disegno in Florence. Such work brought Jakac numerous awards and prizes that he received in Slovenia and abroad, the most important being the AVNOJ Award. Bozidar Jakac spent his last years of life arranging his enormous work of art. He died in 1989 at the age of 90. The works created by Jakac are presently to be found in many collections, both private and public, throughout Europe and America. There is also a permanent collection of his paintings and graphic works in the Bozidar Jakac Gallery at Kostanjevica on the Krka and another permanent collection of the works he made during the war. This is to be found in the Museum of the National Liberation Combat at Novo mesto. |