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My hobbies

My favorite hobby is amateur-radio. I've been busy with this hobby since 1968. In 1969 I passed an exam for the amateur-radio-operators for Zveza radio-amaterjev Slovenije. After two years of activities in our amateur-radio club S53DTB, I passed an exam for personal amateur-radio-operator and I've got a personal call YU3TGM. In 1996 I've got a denomination as OLD-TIMER for 25 years activity in the amateur-radio organization. I've got a HF and VHF amateur-radio transceiver as well as antennas on the antenna-tower at home. The call sign for my station is S51VC.QRA-Locator is JN86AP. My second hobby is computers and everything about them. I've got a PC Pentium with phone-modem and the Packet-radio. My further interests are communications over computer's nets. I'm a member of BBS Microart from Koper and BBS Mojster from Novo mesto. I've been a member of ARNES, where I've received an INTERNET connection, about a years ago.

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My job

I work for from Radenci, which is the famous of health resort and the bottler of mineral waters. I've worked in this company for 30 years now. I've worked in the computer center for 18 years and I like my job, because it nicely mingled with my hobbies. I work as a computer operator.

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I'm married. My wife's name is Jozica and I'm a proud father of two children: the daughter Mojca and the son Marko. In a little village Boraceva, two kilometers from Radenci, close to the bottling mineral-water plant, we were built a little house, which is our home. We've got a garden around home for relaxation and recreation.

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Some of my interesting connections

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You can leave a message for me at my E-mail : Marjan.Galuf@guest.arnes.si