Seznam delujocih juzno slovanskih elektronskih spiskov
Directory of Active South Slavic Mailing

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BosNet (a.k.a. BosNews)

Majordomo maintains two separate bosnet lists, with different distribution formats, both containing the same BosNet news/messages
Regular mailing list. All messages are distributed sequentialy.
Digest list. If subscribed to this list, you will receive only one long daily posting.
Subscription requests: (With the text: subscribe list [address])

This command subscribes a user to the named "list". Unless the user includes the optional "address", Majordomo will use the e-mail address in the mail message header ("Reply-to:", if any, otherwise "From:") to send mail to the user.

For additional information, or in case of problems, please contact: BosNet is a computer group/forum run by volunteers. Its goals are to present and distribute information relevant to the events in/about Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina (RB&H); and to initiate and coordinate various initiatives, etc.

BosNet supports these basic principles and concepts:

BosNet as such, does not support any political party, platform, or person, but only stated set of values.

The group is moderated, which means that only selected contributions are published. The contributions/opinions presented on BosNews do not necessarily reflect personal opinions of the moderator or the member(s) of the Editorial Board. To participate in a discussion on a specific topic related to RB&H, please consider Usenet group, soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna, or alt.current-events.bosnia.

Typical daily posting consists of newsbriefs compiled from news agencies reports, OMRI, USIA, VOA, as well as numerous other sources, such as: NYC, Boston, LA, SF, Chicago dailies; WP, WSJ, The Economist, White House releases, New Republic, various governmental reports (US, B&H, Croatian, etc.), These postings are in English language.

BosNet - B

For news, articles and other relevant materials in Bosnian (Croatian, Serbian) language(s), a separate list of subscribers is maintained.

To subscribe to the list, please send an e-mail message, without subject to: containing: SUB BosNet-B {no name reuiqred}

To UNsubscribe, please send an e-mail message, without the subject to: containing: UNSUB BosNet-B {no name reuiqred}

Croatian-News / Hrvatski-Vjesnik

Subscription requests:
Central place to direct all your comments and/or contributions for publication is: Please note that these distributions are moderated, and for news only. In any case, do not use Reply-to-All option from an item you receive, but use a specific address given above.

News from and related to Croatia. The service is run by volunteers.

There are two moderated news distributions: one in Croatian (occasionally an article can be in some other South Slavic language) and one in English. Each distribution brings 20-200K of mail weekly.

Sample offering:

Croatian News (in English):
Hrvatski Vjesnik (in Croatian):

Cro-News / SCCro-Digest / SCYU-Digest

Subscription requests:
World Wide Web URL:
Current editor: Nino Margetic (


This non-moderated list is the distribution point for the news comming from Croatia. At the time of writing (Aug '92) list carries articles from Vjesnik, Vecernji List, Globus, Slobodna Dalmacija, Radio Free Europe/Radio Luxemburg bulletins, OMRI reports, UPI reports, etc. The volume of news is relatively high. The languages are Croatian, English and occasionally Slovene. Please send requests for subscription to the aforementioned address.

SCCro-Digest / SCYU-Digest

These two moderated mailing lists enable people without access to the USENET newsgroups soc.culture.croatia and soc.culture.yugoslavia to receive messages published on those forums in a digested form. The volume of the material depends on the traffic on the respective newsgroup, but usually there is at least 700-800 lines of text daily (on each list). The topics cover wide ranging subjects and on occasions one can witness very heated discussions between the participants. Language is mostly English. The interaction is possible thru the gateway at Berkeley.

Note: ListServ software which is being used for list distribution, has a whole host of commands and features (message digests and on-line archives among them). If you want to learn how to use any of them, send a message to the containg word HELP in the message body. Finally, these three lists are completely separate, and one san subscribe to one, two, or all of them.

Kuharske bukve (Cook Book)

Subscription requests and contributions:
Editorial board:
"Kuharskve bukve" is a moderated mailing list published weekly. Each issue brings one recipe previously tested by a member of editorial board. The recipes are formated. Language used is Slovene only. The editors are happy to receive readers' opinions.


Subscription requests:
Current Editors:
MAK-NEWS caters for events regarding the Republic of Macedonia which today is made up of two listserv mailgroups, MAKNWS-L and MAKEDON:
  1. MAKNWS-L is for News reports on the Macedonian Republic, and arrive both in English and Macedonian languages.
  2. MAKEDON is for Discussions regarding the Macedonian Republic. Contributors are free to use either English or Macedonian, whichever they feel more fluent and/or appropriate at the time.
Rapid up-to-date News reports from independent news services direct from Macedonia arrive regularly onto MAK-NEWS, ensuring the latest on events concerning the Republic. Other Special Interest reports are also distributed through MAK-NEWS as they occur. Subscribers receive both the English and Macedonian versions of the news which arrive.

Sources on MAK-NEWS include the Macedonian Information Liason Service (M.I.L.S.), the Macedonian Information Centre (M.I.C.), Macedonian Tribune (M.T.), Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Radio Voice of America (VOA), N.A.T.O. Press Releases, Mainstream Media reports, Human Rights Media Releases and reports - as well as many miscellaneous others.

MAK-NEWS operates from MAKNWS-L@ListServ.ACSU.Buffalo.Edu on the InterNet, with an average weekly traffic throughput of about 400 Kilobytes.

Subscribers can also receive MAK-NEWS in DIGEST mode. This setting accumulates all the submissions to MAK-NEWS during the day and mails the result out as a batch file. This can be a convenient method to receive MAK-NEWS due to the quantity of material at times. Send: set MAKNWS-L digest to listserv@ListServ.ACSU.Buffalo.Edu to enable. To reset to normal mode use set MAKNWS-L mail.

MAK-NEWS is also happy to accept subscriber contributons. If you wish to have international distribution for your work - relating Macedonia which would interest the large MAK-NEWS readerbase, dont hesitate to submit your work. Contact one of the editors for more information.

Included on the WWW sites currently are the Republic of Macedonia Constitution (CONSTITUTION), the Macedonian Flag, complete archives of MAK-NEWS, and various other miscellaneous material regarding the Macedonian Republic.

MAK-NEWS (MAKNWS-L) regular reports are also archived on the FTP site at ListServ.ACSU.Buffalo.Edu under the MAKNWS_L home directory.

If you're absent for a long time and don't wish your mailbox to be full of mail you can send: set MAKNWS-L nomail. When you return just send: set MAKNWS-L mail to listserv@ListServ.ACSU.Buffalo.Edu

Finally, MAK-NEWS (MAKNWS-L) can be received in many different ways. Material from MAK-NEWS is often exported to other discussion forums, other networks, and even external sites off the network. Our aim is to consistantly propagate material concering the Republic of Macedonia, now largely recognised internationally.

For more information on matters concerning The Republic of Macedonia the following WWW sites can be visited:

Nasa Borba On-Line

Subscription requests: (With the text: subscribe NB)
Contact for all feedback, questions and inquiries:
Access through WWW:
``Nasa Borba'' is a Yugoslav Independent Political Daily, based in Belgrade, Serbia, FR Yugoslavia. Selected articles and photos are posted daily on the World-Wide-Web and let through our e-mail distribution service (text only).

All ``Nasa Borba'' On-Line services are currently free of charge.

Novice MZT (News of MZT)

Subscription requests and contributions:
Current editor:
Polona Novak (Polona.Novak@MZT.SI)
News of Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia for the first time appeared in October 1990 as an information bulletin. The intended role of News is to provide easy accessible news from science, development, universities, innovative activities to indviduals and institutions in research and development area.

At the end of May 1994 the Ministry changed the form of information which reflected in a change of News into Scientia. That is, Scientia is now published as a separate page of column Znanje za razvoj (Knowledge for development) in a Slovenian newspaper Delo. The reason for the change was Ministry's intention to make its information available to a broader public and to make the information more up-to-date.

Scientia contains announcements and advertisements of the Ministry, and articles about research policy. It is published twice a month except in July and August.

Odraz B92 vesti (Odraz B92 news, Beograd, daily news service)

Subscription and other information requests:
Issues of "Odraz B92 vesti" are available on SII.COM WWW Server:
The news are edited by journalists of Radio B92, Belgrade, and distributed via SII.COM WWW server and e-mail. Topics include: News of the day, Media survey, Culture and sport, and Magazine.

This is a payed distribution.

Distribution or reproduction of articles and news from "Odraz B92 vesti" (total or partial) is not allowed beyond this distribution list, as well as distribution of printed copies, posting to news groups or private e-mail lists.

Pisma Bralcev (Letters of Readers)

Subscription requests and contributions:
Current editors:
Pisma bralcev is edited (not moderated) mailing list which provides the possibility of publishing readers' opinions, questions, inquiries for help, answers etc. There are also published travel tips and book reviews. Anybody can send the letter to the editor and it will be published on the list under his name. The author can request the anonymity and it will be respected entirely. The frequency of publishing is about one issue per day or less. The language is originally Slovene, but other languages appear as well.

ProFemina (ProFemina, journal for women writing and culture)

E-mail address:
Access through WWW:
ProFemina is a journal for women writing and culture. It is published in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in four issues a year.

The journal covers broad field of feminist writings and writings on feminism. Its issues are devided into sections for both poetry and prose, as well as essays and other informations relevant to women writings and studies.

Rec (Word, magazine for literature and culture)

E-mail address::
Access through WWW:
The Belgrade magazine for literature and culture Rec (means: Word) is the most outstanding literary journal of its kind in Serbian language. It is published every month. Dedicated to literary writings of all generations and genres (poetry, prose, fiction and non-fiction, essays, reviews, dramas), it is open to the writers abroad, the translations from different languages, as well as to the informations from different cultures and nations.

The magazine is distributed in two forms: the full paper edition and the shorter electronic one. In order to receive our full paper editions regularly, you should subscribe - follow the link for "preplata" to see details on how to subscribe. The shorter electronic edition is free of charge, and it is intended for personal use only. It is not allowed to copy, nor distrubute the texts in any other form except electronically over the Internet.


Subscription requests and contributions send to:
Access through WWW:
Current editors:
RokPress is a moderated mailing list, intended primarily for news from Slovenia. Slovene is the principal language, although the articles in other languages are often included. It also covers news from international press and important announcements, related to Slovenia and Slovenes. The volume is kept as low as possible.


Subscription requests:
mailserv@lyman.Stanford.EDU with message body: subscribe SAGE Firstname Lastname
Send mail for the list to:
Send questions or problems to:
Rich Green (rjg@lyman.Stanford.EDU)
SAGE-net is a moderated group/forum run by student volunteers from the group Students Against GEnocide (SAGE)--Project Bosnia. Its goals are to initiate and coordinate activities among groups active on Bosnia, particularly those on university and college campuses. It is also for the sharing of information on action initiatives and events taking place on campuses around the world. Finally, opinions on the events in Bosnia and world response are occasionally shared over SAGE-net.


Information and subscription requests:
Access through WWW:
SII [Serbian Information Initiative] is unmoderated network for distribution of news and discussions about the current events in ex-Yu, centered around those involving or affecting Serbs. SII also originates public actions related to these events, both at home and abroad, and regularly maintains private e-mail connection between Internet and nodes in Serbia and Montenegro.

Both English and Serbo-Croatian language are used. Civility in discussions is enforced.

ST-L (Srpska terminologija/Serbian Terminology)

Subscription requests: with the text: SUBSCRIBE ST-l Your_Name Your_Surname
Inquiries about the list:
Danko Sipka (
The main idea of this list is to discuss Serbian terminology for different activities, from terms in Internet to those for culture-bound concepts, such as plum brandy (sljivovica) and its drinking.

The list is neither moderated nor restricted.


Subscription and other information requests:
Issues of "Vreme News Digest" are available on SII.COM WWW Server:
VREME carries Vreme News Digest (selected articles from Vreme translated into English).

Since Fall of 1989, Vreme is the major independent newspaper in Yugoslavia and neighbouring countries. It is published weekly, every Monday, and usually the electronic mail edition of VND is available on the same day.

This is a payed distribution.

NOTE 1: Distribution of full edition of "Vreme" in Serbo-Croatian may take place in the future. It will be possible to transfer subscription to that edition if one wishes to do so.

NOTE 2: Distribution or reproduction of articles from VND, either whole or in part, is not allowed beyond this distribution list. No distribution of hard copies is allowed, nor reposting to USENET discussion groups or private e-mail networks!

NOTE 3: For over two years volunteers from SII [Serbian Information Initiative] had been distributing electronic edition of the digest as a free service provided by the Vreme News Digest Agency to community of all peoples from former Yugoslavia, as well as all those interested in events in Yugoslavia. VND Agency coudn't afford such luxury any longer. Subscription rates for this commercial distribution have been made as low as possible to assure that everyone interested can afford to continue receiving the digest. Your respect for the copyrights of the VND Agency is the best way to support the independent journalism in the former Yugoslavia.


Subscription (YU-QWest Mailing List (moderated)) requests: (With the text: subscribe YUQWEST)
Send mail for the list to: (Archive available at URL:
Send questions or problems to: (Help desk) , (YU-QWest Savet)
Telnet to: []:1967 .
World Wide Web URL:
YU-QWest is an APOLITICAL gathering place and communication channel for folks from countries of former SFR Yugoslavia. Come by and check it out. It works...

YU-QWest is represented on the Net by its various pages on WWW, a mailing list, and a chat MUCK.

Zamir Transnational Network -- ZTN

Subscription requests: with a subject: SUBSCRIBE zamir-chat-l
List owner:
Ivo Skoric (
This list reflects dialogs between Anti-War non-governmental organization in former Yugoslavia linked to the ZTN.

Last change: October 9th, 1996 Zadnji popravek: 9. vinotoka 1996