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Janez Vrecko
- Short Biography
- Born in Ljubljana, April 9th 1946. B.A. in 1965 at the Univesity
of Ljubljana: Comparative literature and Literary Theory. Ph.D. in
1986 with a thesis on Slovene Avantgarde and Zenithism. Since
1978 he works at the Comparative Literature department as assistant
professor. In 1991, he became Lecturer.
- Research Fields
- European Poetics from Aristotel to Brecht;
- Slovene Avantgarde and its Relations to Zenithism, Futurism and
- Theory and History of European poetry since Boudelaire;
- Theory of Tragedy and Tragic.
Short Bibliography
- Pomen Aristotelove Poetike za razumevanje moderne umetnosti
(The Importance of Aristotel's Poetics for Understanding
Modern Art), Nasi razgledi 1978.
- Begriff und Erscheinung der Avantgarde, In: Soobstoj
avantgard (Coexistence of Avantgardes), Ljubljana 1986.
- Srecko Kosovel, slovenska zgodovinska avantgarda in zenitizem
(Srecko Kosovel, Slovene Avantgarde and Zenithism),
Maribor 1986.
- Die Kons-Gedichte von Srecko Kosovel, In: Sprachkunst
20, Wienna 1989.
- Ep in tragedija (Epos and Tragedy), Maribor
Office hours: Monday 17:00
This page is maintained by Jakob J. Kenda.
Last modification: 13-May 1996