The BION Institute


Bion, a private scientific institute was founded in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, in the year 1990, when our country changed its political system into a democracy. This was the first time it was possible to establish private scientific institutes. Since its beginning the aim of the Bion institute has been to investigate the as yet not very well understood phenomenon of the influence of various electromagnetic fields on organisms. On the one side, this research area covers the influence of weak non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on various living beings and on the other the still provocative question of endogenous coherent electromagnetic fields in organisms and their role in the living process. While the first field is usually known under the name of electro- and magnetobiology for the second one the term bioelectromagnetics is used. Since 1992 the Institute has been acknowledged as a research organization by the Slovene Ministry of Science and Technology.

The Institute mainly consists of young researchers and scientists. Its staff includes biologists, a chemist, two physicists and a medical graduate. It cooperates with scientists proficient in metrology and electronics. We are open to the new and yet try to stand firmly on the ground of established science and its methodology.

The main fields of Bion Institute research are as follows:

  • Detection of subtle fields important for organization of the living process
  • Electro- and magnetobiology: the development of a good biological sensor system
  • Theoretical biology
  • Philosophy of life
  • International cooperation
  • Detection of subtle fields important for the organization of the living process

    These fields are most probably of electromagnetic origin, ultraweak and mostly coherent. Partially they have already been predicted in the microwave band (Fröhlich, del Giudice) and discovered in visible and UV light region (Popp, Li etc.). These research work goes beyond the established molecular paradigm of life and health. The detection is performed in two ways: by a special method of electrography of water drops non-chemically exposed to organisms, and the consecutive extensive computer analysis of pictures. Second, detection can be done by our biological sensor systems.

    Research in electro- and magnetobiology

    Development of a good biological sensor system

    One of our aims is to develop a sensitive biological instrument for detection of weak non-ionized environmental fields (stemming from electrical grid, various electrical appliances, power lines, radars etc.). This is important for assessing the biological effects of artificially produced electromagnetic fields (or radiations) whose power is below contemporary standards for protection from non-ionizing EMFs. We are begining the research of the biological effects provoked by microwaves.

    Bacterial energetics

    Thirty years ago, biochemistry searched only for molecular and chemical sources of a cell energy. A cell was supposed to be not much more than a bag of enzymes. In the 60's and 70's Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory revolutionized the field of bioenergetics by taking into account the subcellular organization of processes. Today we go even further (Tsong, Astumian, Ho, Frohlich): the hypothesis is that cells can capture and transmit energy from endogenous dynamic electric fields, originating from within the cells. Our task at the laboratory is to show that bacterial cells are capable of transporting certain substances across the cellular membrane when no other source of energy is present except that of an oscillating electric field.

    Theoretical biology

    Another important research field lies in the new theories of life, which endeavour to understand and explain life more on the basis of holistic processes and coherent fields than on the traditional ground of various molecules and genes as well as their interactions. However we are not hostile towards molecular biology; we only think the latter should be included in a more comprehensive understanding and explanation of life.

    Philosophy of life

    In connection with the above mentioned theme some of us are doing the research in the philosophy of biology and in the themes where biology touches other, mainly social sciences, like sociobiology.

    International cooperation

    We are not doing only the basic research work in the before mentioned fields but are also active in the field of education and unconventional (alternative) medicine. As to the latter we are cooperating in the European COST B4 action devoted to the establishment of the appropriate research standards suitable for the evaluation of the unconventional medical treatments. We have also many publications in scientific journals.

    The BION Staff

    Prof. Dr. Igor Jerman Ph.D., biologist
    senior scientific fellow
    professional head of the Institute
    associate professor for biological evolution, molecular evolution, theoretical biology, ethics of scientific research and methodology of science at the University of Ljubljana
    Main themes of research: theoretical biology, bioelectromagnetics

    Dr. Artur Stern Ph.D., M.Sc.Med., DVM
    scientific fellow
    the leader of our educational programme
    assistant for molecular evolution and a lecturer of evolution at the University of Ljubljana
    Main themes of research: philosophy of biology, sociobiology, theoretical biology

    Dr. Romana Ruzic Ph.D., biologist
    scientific fellow
    Main themes of research: bioelectromagnetics, the development of the biological sensor system

    Primoz Kmecl M.SC. chemistry
    senior research fellow
    Main themes of research: bioelectromagnetics of birds, electrophotography

    Petar Papuga M.D.
    research assistant
    national coordinator for the COST B4 action
    Main themes of research: bioelectromagnetic epidemiology, unconventional (alternative) medicine, acupuncture, focusing on the treatment of asthma

    Metod Skarja graduate physicist
    research assistant
    Main themes of research: cavity quantum electrodynamics, the development of the electrographic method of detecting subtle endogenous fields

    Maja Berden graduate biologist
    research assistant
    Main themes of research: bioelectromagnetics, electrography

    Alexis Zrimec graduate biologist
    research assistant
    Main themes of research: bioelectromagnetics from the theoretical perspective, theoretical biology and Electroconformational Coupling (ATP synthesis)

    Luka Drinovec graduate physicist
    research assistant
    Main themes of research: ultraweak bioluminescence

    Our more important publications


    Jerman I., Stern A. (1996): The Gene in Waves. The Forming of New Biology. Znanstveno publicisticno sredisce. (Scientific Publishing Center), Ljubljana.


    Ho M.W., Stone T.A., Jerman I., Bolton J., Bolton H., Goodwin B.C., Saunders P.T., Robertson F. (1992): Brief exposure to weak static magnetic field during early embriogenesis cause cuticular pattern abnormalities in Drosophyla larvae. Phys. Med. Biol. 37(5): 1171-1179. Abstract

    Ruzic R., Jerman I., Jeglic A., Fefer D. (1992): Electromagnetic stimulation of buds of Castanea sativa Mill. in tissue culture. Electro and Magnetobiol. 11(2): 145-153. Abstract.

    Ruzic R., Jerman I., Jeglic A., Fefer D. (1993): Various effects of pulsed and static magnetic fields on the development of Castanea sativa Mill. in tissue culture. Electro and Magnetobiol. 12(2):165-177. Abstract.

    Jerman I., Berden M., Ruzic R. (1996): Biological influence of ultraweak supposedly EM radiation from organisms mediated through water. Electro- Magnetobiology 15(3): 229-244. Abstract.

    Ruzic R., Gogala N. Jerman I. (1997): Sinusoidal magnetic fields: effect on the growth and content of ergosterol in mycorrhizal fungi. Electro- Magnetobiology 16(2): 129-142. Abstract

    Berden M., Jerman I., Skarja M. (1997): Indirect instrumental detection of ultraweak, supposedly electromagnetic radiation from organisms. Submitted to Electro- Magnetobiology 16(3): 249-266. Abstract.

    Ruzic R., Jerman I., Gogala N. (1998): Water stress reveals effects of ELF magnetic fields on the growth of seedlings. Electro- Magnetobiology. Accepted 17(1). Abstract.

    Jerman I., Berden M., Ruzic R., Skarja M. (1998): Biological effects of TV SET EMFs on the growth of spruce seedlings. Electro- Magnetobiol. Accepted 17(1). Abstract.

    Talks and Posters

    Jerman I., Jeglic A., Fefer D., Kustor V. (1992): The effect of pulsed low frequency EM field on just germinated spruce seedlings. First Congress E.B.E.A., Brussels,.23.-25. January, Transactions pp. 52. Text.

    Jerman I., Kustor V., Jeglic A., Fefer D. (1993): Subtle electromagnetic protection can have biological effects. Transactions of the 2nd EBEA Congress, Bled, December 9.-11.1993, pp 144-145. Text.

    Jerman I. (1993): Bioelectromagnetics as a horizon for a new biology. Transactions of the 2nd EBEA Congress, Bled, December 9.-11.1993, pp. 57. Text.

    Jerman I., Jeglic A., Kustor V., Ruzic R., Fefer D., Miklavcic D. (1994): The concept of electromagnetic bioeffectometry. Sixteenth Annual Meeting of B.E.M.S., Abstract book, Copenhagen Denmark, June 12.-17.1994. pp. 164. Text.

    Ruzic R., Jerman I., Kustor V., Jeglic A., Fefer D. (1994): The effects of TV monitor on germinating spruce seeds. Fourth International Scientific Conference WWDU '94. Book of short papers, October 2-5, 1994. University of Milan, Milano, pp. E22-24. Text.

    Jerman I., Kustor V., Kurincic-Tomsic M. (1994): Biotherapy-one of the most common method of unconventional healing in Slovenia. COST B4, The Conference on Complementary Medicine Research: An International Perspective. London June 19-20, 1994. Published in: COST B4 Unconvetnional medicine published papers, pp. 91-105. Text.

    Jerman I., Skarja M., Papuga P. (1995): The detection of radiation of human biopotential. Scientific Advances in Complementary Medicine, 16-17 junij, 1995. Padova, Abstracts, pp. 122. Text.

    Some explanations:


    Science is continually striving towards the new, the undiscovered, the unknown. This is not new from the aspect of objective reality (i.e. ontologically), but it is new from the aspect of already established knowledge. The latter, while indispensable for understanding new discoveries, may work also in the sense of repudiating new data - something difficult to reconcile with. In this sense to, be open to the new means that one does not automatically repudiate something not understood as yet on the basis of dogmatic adherence to the already established and generally accepted knowledge.


    This is normal science expressing itself in commonly accepted knowledge (according to the professional scientific community) and research methodology. For every scientific discipline it is found in university textbooks .


    The biological sensor system (BSS): a group of well researched organisms grown in defined conditions, which react to very low electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with changes in growth and other physiological or biochemical changes.The physical mechanisms for the observed sensitivity of organisms to such fields are as yet unknown, despite a large number of proposed models. This is the main reason why standards for protection from non-ionising EMFs are still mainly based on thermal effects. Consequently, besides EMF measurements with technical instruments, we are also able to measure them biologically and the applied biological system therefore functions as a BSS for detecting low intensity EMFs.The standardized system of such measurements could be called "The system for EM bioeffectometry". However, the main requirement is to know the organism as well as possible and how it reacts to electromagnetic fields. For example: the group of germinated spruce seeds (our most examined and used BSS) reacts to EMFs with developmental changes, especially under conditions of stress.


    In contrast to the usual technique named electrophotography which obtains contact photographs of corona discharge and where the major contribution to the image results from the light of the discharge, we developed a different method to obtain corona discharge images. Electrography uses a high frequency high tension electrical field to show otherwise supposedly non-measurable differences in the objects investigated. The results are very prone to variations of certain important parameters related to the external conditions (mostly atmospheric ones like barometric pressure and relative humidity), to the object itself and to the characteristics of the instrument. See also Special method of corona electrography of water drops


    It is a discipline which attempts to formulate the laws and basic principles of life. There is no generally accepted concept of theoretical biology in the sense of theoretical physics or chemistry. The phenomenon of life is still too elusive to permit an understanding and the formulation of its basic principles. Therefore there are many conceptions of theoretical biology, like neoDarwinian, structuralistic, system theoretical, etc. In practice theoretical biology is extended from the mathematical models of certain specific biological (ecological, physiological, ontogenetic, genetic, etc.) processes up to philosophical realms (the philosophy of life).


    This European project (included in COST) tries to promote research into the field of unconventional (alternative) medicine. Its principal objective is to perform research into the therapeutic significance of unconventional medicine, its cost/benefit ratio and its socio-cultural importance as a basis for the evaluation of its possible practical value or risks to public health.


    Molecular evolution is the term used to cover mostly biological evolution from the aspect of the most important and evolutionary relevant biomolecules (such as RNA, DNA and proteins). The science of molecular evolution deals with three research fields, mainly: the origin of life, molecular philogeny and the mechanisms of molecular evolution in the framework of biological evolution. It is a relatively young scientific discipline uniting scientific disciplines of molecular biology and evolution.


    The biological effects of weak non-ionized electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on humans are mostly studied through epidemiological studies. While the physical causes for such effects are only hypothesized, the epidemiological studies seem more promising in giving guidelines for protecting people from electromagnetic radiation. These epidemiological studies involve mostly blood, skin and brain tumour diseases, mental condition and nervous excitement. In our experience much more work has to be done on the importance of stress conditions in such research, since it is possible that the stress environment (mental or physical) could enhance EMF bioeffects which otherwise would not be harmful.


    Cavity QED investigates the behavior of matter, electromagnetic fields (EMs) and their interaction in a confined space, usually in conducting cavities. Because of the boundary conditions for EM fields at a conducting surface (E(parallel) = 0, B(perpendicular) = 0) there is a discrete set of EM modes in the cavity in contrast to the ordinary space, where we have a continuous set of modes (each mode characterized by frequency, wave vector and polarization). In the ordinary space an atom always interacts with many different field modes with the frequencies spread around the frequency of a given atomic transition. In the cavity it is possible to examine the interaction between the atom and a single field mode, tuned to the given atomic transition. This leads to some novel effects, predicted by quantum electrodynamics, but not observable in the ordinary space, such as the inhibited and enhanced spontaneous emission of photons, and oscillatory exchange of energy between the atom and the field mode. With carefully designed experiments this should allow us to test some basic postulates of quantum theory more directly than before.


    The theory of coherent oscillations stems from the British biophysicist Herbert Frohlich. In short, on the basis of special electrical characteristics of the living cell, the theory assumes the existence of coherent oscillations (originating from the Bose condensation) of molecular dipoles which together with the endogenous EM field create a coherent EM field at a frequency of 10 - 100 GHz. These oscillations are supposed to be the basis for the intramolecular, intermolecular and even intercellular order. In a neoplasm such an order is broken and uncontrolled growth follows. Experimentally this theory was verified in various ways, either through microdielectrophoresis (which showed somewhat lower frequencies) or erythrocyte rouleaux formation and through interference and resonance effects with exogenous low intensity mm EM waves. However, direct evidence of "Frohlich's" radiation still awaits discovery. Frohlich's theory has been further elaborated, in terms of a quantum field theory by the group around del Giudice. According to this view, the endogenous bioelectromagnetic field is organized into tiny filaments of a diameter similar to microtubules. The filamentous field is supposed to organize biochemical reactions through resonance induction. It should be mainly limited to the interior of the organism, leaking only slightly - hence its radiation could also be termed ultraweak.

    For further reading see: Frohlich, del Giudice, Vitiello, Kaiser, Grundler, Pollock, Pohl, Cooper, and Hameroff.


    The findings of this research field are not very well known, although they have been known and studied for over half of a century. Researches began with the famous Gurwich's mitogenetic radiation. Today ultraweak bioluminescence is studied all over the world and includes many important findings. The light emitted from organisms was found to be coherent, laser like, and typically radiating with intensities of few tens to few hundreds of photons/(cmE2.s). But inside the organisms, where it has physiological functions, it seems to be much more intensive; it is only weakly radiating. In favor of its biological function speaks the discovered law that the intensity of the light is approximately constant over all measured wave-lengths (200 - 800nm). At short wave-lengths it is thus 10E40 times more intensive from the thermal equilibrium. The researchers surmise this light is needed to activate and order countless biochemical reactions in every cell. The light has been discovered in all groups of organisms and in various biological materials (tissues, whole organisms, eggs, seeds etc.). It forms a field called biophoton field. Its radiation is stronger in agony, poisoning or in the case of neoplasm. It is also highly synchronized with embryonic development (Drosophila sp.) and may have important role in joining organisms of a local population, since they demonstrate high synchronization of photons while optically connected and no such correlation after optical separation. Materially the photon field seems to be tightly bound to DNA and is thus closely connected with genes and genetics.

    Last updated on 18.6.1997.

    Our address is: BION, Celovska 264, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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